Jorda rundt oktober 2011 - mars 2012 / Weltreise Oktober 2011 - März 2012

Vi er en familie på fem, som reiser jorda rundt fra oktober 2011 til mars 2012 og med hjelp av denne bloggen vil vi dele opplevelser med venner og familie. Siden vi er flere som skriver innlegg, står navnet til "skribenten" angitt i overskrifta.

Our family of five travelled around the world from October 2011 to March 2012 and in order to be able to share our experiences with family and friends we established this blog. Since we are several "authors" the posts start with a name and are labeled.

Sunday, November 6, 2011

Silja: Capital Reef Ntl. Park & Arches Ntl. Park

Hickman Bridge
  Even though snow was predicted for the weekend, we continued on to Capital Reef. Unlike Bryce, where you are on top looking down, we drove through a beautiful, narrowing valley looking up to colourful cliff formations. From winter we had returned to fall and the sun was still strong enough to heat up the sandstone that reflected the warmth well into the night. The yellow leaves of the trees were a fantastic contrast to the red rocks.

We hiked up the cliffs for a mile to look at «Hickman Bridge», a huge red sandstone arch, surrounded by yellow, white and red sandstone that errosion had cut into, leaving cracks, fissures, holes and tunnels everywhere. The kids climbed into those holes and larger cracks until they were covered in red and yellow dust.The next day we hiked into the «Grand Wash», a currently dry riverbed running between sheer, white walls of sandstone into which the flashfloods had cut. Since the sun had not yet reached this narrow canyon so early in the day, it was still rather cold, but when climbed into cavelike holes, the air was so much warmer that the kids would not get out again. Lea would point at holes in the wall, saying «This is my fridge and here is where I...» They are all quickly willing to settle and live as Indians, but when the white RV comes into sight again they are still glad.

We spent a windy day driving north-east to Arches National Park, where we arrived late in the afternoon and since rain (or snow) is predicted for tomorrow, it was a race against the setting sun! The kids thought it was fun to run up the trail to the viewpoint for Delicate Arch even though we did not quite make it in time to see it in sunlight. On the way back we could see big, grey clouds coming towards us and Niklas complained that this holiday of driving and taking pictures did not really work for him. He would much rather go to a beach everyday. He does enjoy mountains but they had to be proper mountains with strenuous climbs involved...
He had more action coming his way: At night the wind picked up greatly and our 6-ton- RV was swaying in the gusts of wind. Then it started to rain hard and long. Luckily it cleared up enough for us to hike through "Devils Garden" in the afternoon and that was the difficult, exciting terrain that Niklas had been hoping for, but he was too cold to enjoy it much...


  1. Thank you for the nice report about your trip. It is very interesting visiting your photographs of place my job will not bring to. So I am able to a lot more new places of the world...
    Enjoy your trip and all the best from Munich

  2. Hei Silja og familie
    Dere har jo rukket å oppleve mange forskjellige plasser og ting allerede - kjempeartig å kunne følge dere på bloggen. Jeg må nok innrømme at jeg er en smule misunnelig... Ønsker dere en innholdsrik og riktig god tur videre. Jeg gleder meg til å følge dere videre på turen.

    Hilsen fra Linda

  3. Selma fikk også godteri på Halloween, selv om hun ikke gikk på Halloween. Hun satt å så på TV, og Martine (store søster) var Edderkopp-dame.
