Jorda rundt oktober 2011 - mars 2012 / Weltreise Oktober 2011 - März 2012

Vi er en familie på fem, som reiser jorda rundt fra oktober 2011 til mars 2012 og med hjelp av denne bloggen vil vi dele opplevelser med venner og familie. Siden vi er flere som skriver innlegg, står navnet til "skribenten" angitt i overskrifta.

Our family of five travelled around the world from October 2011 to March 2012 and in order to be able to share our experiences with family and friends we established this blog. Since we are several "authors" the posts start with a name and are labeled.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Silja: Sydney – Perth

 As you may have guessed from what Niklas and Lisa wrote in their posts: Sydney was wonderful and we had such a great time! Our friends took us on a motor yacht cruise through Sydney Harbour and to a secluded cove where we all swam and had a barbeque on the boat. The boys dived off the boat and even little Lea could not get enough of floating in the water, even though she literally fed the fish after swallowing some saltwater. (Her comment: "Oh, that is just a little strawberry."and judging by the colour it was.)
Other days were spent at and in the pool in the garden and at Manly Beach.
As I said: We all loved it and it was sad to say good bye!
We took an early morning flight to Perth, excited to pick up our new home for the next four weeks.
The taxi driver had a hard time finding the sheds in the roadwork area. It then turned out that we obviously have been victims of fraud, since the agent whom we made the booking with, gave us a price and contract over $1000 cheaper than what Apollo wanted to charge us. The deposit was also made to her, not Apollo. Long story short: We lost a lot of time and money and are still having various trouble with this rather old motorhome. Looking at the bigger picture though: Everything is well!
Still Sydney...
We struggle a bit adapting to the heat, but since we are heading South that should get better. We spent two days in beautiful Perth, where there is so much to see that we will have to spend more time there on the way back. 
Woodman Point, a regional park, was our next stop. We went to the beach in the morning and the snorkeling was great: Lots of fish, starfish, crabs and even a stingray!
We are now in Mandurah, where we booked a dolphin cruise. Even though we were so unlucky not to see dolphins, I still thought it was great to cruise through Venice-like canals, but the kids were so not impressed after having been speeding through Sydney's waters on Kylie and Alex's boat. (That day now ranges second to Disney Land!)


  1. Hallo Ihr Lieben, schön wieder von Euch zu hören. Leider habt Ihr mit Eurem Wohnmobil
    so viel Pech gehabt. Hauptsache Ihr seid gut
    in Perth angekommen. Den beiden Geburtstags-
    kindern Lisa und Niklas, herzliche Glückwün-
    sche und dicke Küsse von Oma und Opa aus Mainz.
    (lest auch hierzu im geschickten Mail).

  2. Hei, så flott bloggen deres er blitt! Gratulerer med overstått bursdager. Gratulerer med 9 års dagen din Lisa, og gratulerer med 7 års dagen din Niklas! Vi gleder oss sammen med dere, over alt det flotte dere får oppleve. Vi gleder oss også til dere kommer hjem igjen :) I dag skal Isak på skikurs, han lærer seg skiskøyting! Vi kan friste med strålende vintervær i Trondheim, med herlig skiføre! Kos dere masse, gleder oss til å høre mer! Klemmer til dere alle 5 fra Isak og Marian.

  3. Hei Niklas!

    Hei på deg!

    Alle vi i 1b og alle voksne på SFO vil ønske deg gratulerer med overstått bursdag!


    1. Tusen takk for gratulasjoner! Jeg savner dere alle kjempe mye. Det er alt for varmt her!

      Hilsen, Niklas
