Jorda rundt oktober 2011 - mars 2012 / Weltreise Oktober 2011 - März 2012

Vi er en familie på fem, som reiser jorda rundt fra oktober 2011 til mars 2012 og med hjelp av denne bloggen vil vi dele opplevelser med venner og familie. Siden vi er flere som skriver innlegg, står navnet til "skribenten" angitt i overskrifta.

Our family of five travelled around the world from October 2011 to March 2012 and in order to be able to share our experiences with family and friends we established this blog. Since we are several "authors" the posts start with a name and are labeled.

Tuesday, July 12, 2016

Climbing the Dolomites: Grosse Cirspitze/Gran Cir

We drove to Grödner Joch (2121m) and headed up towards the top. After a short walk we reached the via ferrata. It is an easy climb and not everyone used safety gear. Therefor it made for the perfect start to practice the technique.

After about 2 hours we reached the top and were rewarded with a great view!

What goes up must come down...

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